New Italy Mountain Bike Forest

New Italy Mountain Bike Forest is a cross country trail network located within beautiful sclerophyll forests. There are about 30km of purpose built single track mountain bike trails.

The trail network has been designed for the enjoyment of cyclists of a variety of abilities. A number of trails including ‘Burntwood Frenzy’, ‘Yabba Dabba Do’, Knobby Mayhem’, ‘Crumplstiltskin’, ‘Snakes N Ladders’ and ‘Pocket Rocket’ are suitable for some types of adaptive cycles.

Some trails will be more difficult than others. The network includes natural terrain, constructed technical features, obstacles, drop offs, bridges and steep land. The trail surface may change over time and make riding more difficult. Take care at all times and always ride within your ability.

The New Italy Mountain Bike Forest Trail Network is built and maintained by volunteers for the exclusive use of mountain bike riders/cyclists only. The trails are managed under a Forestry Corporation NSW occupation permit by Northern Rivers Dirty Wheels Mountain Bike Club Incorporated.

The site may be closed during periods of excessively wet conditions. Please respect the hard work done by our great volunteers by not riding when site is shown as closed on this website and the club facebook page.

The site is situated in Doubleduke State Forest, Tabbimoble approximately 9 kilometres south of Woodburn.

Turn off the Pacific Highway into Swan Bay – New Italy Road at the popular New Italy Museum. At the end of this road you will reach a T-Intersection. Turn left into Forest Road (unsealed road). Forest Road merges into Cypress Road (an unsealed Forestry Corporation NSW road).

The car park is on the left of Cypress Road about 100m past the Piccolis Road intersection.

There is no water or toilets available at this facility.

A trail map is provided in the car parking area.  Trails are also available on the TrailForks APP.

All trails are sign posted.

  • Always wear an Australian Standard certified helmet and appropriate safety gear.
  • Ride only on the formed trails and do not take shortcuts.
  • Some trails are one-way and others are multi-directional (refer to trail bollards).
  • Stay off closed trails.
  • Always be in control of your bike and ride within your abilities.
  • Plan your ride and avoid riding alone.
  • Carry a first aid kit and know how to use the contents.
  • Do not ride in wet or muddy conditions as it causes trail damage.
  • Share the trail and be courteous to other riders.
  • Take your rubbish home with you.
  • Do not disturb plants or animals.
  • Dogs are not permitted on the MTB trails.
  • Other recreational activities such as walking and trail running are not permitted on the MTB trails.
  • Construction of new trails and features must be approved by Northern Rivers Dirty Wheels Mountain Bike Club and Forestry Corporation of NSW.
  • NRDW requires that all E-Bikes / E-MTB’s used at New Italy MTB Forest be compliant with AS 15194:2016 (EN15194). This means that the bike shall have a maximum continuous rated power of 0.25kW, of which the output is progressively reduced and finally cut off as the vehicle reaches a speed of 25km/hr, or sooner, if the cyclist stops pedalling.

Northern Rivers Dirty Wheels