NRDW Events

NRDW undertake regular sanctioned social club rides as well as act as a facilitator for a number of informal group rides.

A ‘Club Ride’ is a social ride that:

  • Is a sanctioned ride organised by NRDW;
  • Is referred to on the calendar as a “Club Ride” or “Dirtmaster (Junior) Ride”;
  • Is organised and conducted generally in accordance with the club’s social ride policy, and
  • Is carried out on either an ‘Open Trail’ or ‘Closed Trail’.

A ‘Group Ride’ is a social ride that:

  • Is unsanctioned and (other than showing the ride on the Club Calendar as a “Group Ride”) is independent of NRDW;
  • Is arranged by others and referred to as a “Group Ride”;
  • Requires individual riders to be FULLY self-sufficient;
  • Provides no assistance from NRDW in terms of rider briefing, safety, advice or navigation;
  • Requires no MTBA membership or day license to attend, and
  • Places no obligation, responsibility or liability on the ride organiser, other riders, NRDW, or it’s Executive.

At both ‘Club Rides’ and ‘Group Rides’ participants are expected to provide their own water, food, spares and safety equipment adequate for the duration and style of the ride.

We expect all participants to ride within their own ability and be respectful and courteous towards other riders and trail users.

Click on Calendar events for more information


Northern Rivers Dirty Wheels